Printed edition
December 2021
Pages 119
Closed 27,5×36,5cm
Opened 54,8×36,5cm
WITH AN infinite constellation of inspirations, themes and catalysts, how does an artist capture the first idea of a work? That remains to be answered, since a given concept that may enrapture one artist, may leave another unmoved. A theme that may mean nothing to someone could literally enthrall another. So what’s the driving force behind inspiration? How do sparks go flying? How does the divine wealth come about? How is the internal swooning suddenly set in motion, how does the ultimate Idea strike all of a sudden and fires up the blood? How does the apocalypse betide?
Undoubtedly, it’s a unique experience for everyone, either as a mechanism, a flame or an explosion. Yet, are there similitudes to be found as to how the genesis of inspiration kindles unexpectedly an artist’s spirit and gives rise to an Idea out of nowhere? Is it the uniqueness of each individual, the varied sensitivities or particular obsessions one may possess, or the strictly personal view of what is significant at a given moment? How can one overlook a colossal event and instead be inspired by something insignificant, something trivial, a gesture, a glance? That’s art. Just as Odysseus Elytis wrote: “from Nothing comes Paradise”.
In the flow of Time, considering the aperture opening, the brightness of the lens, the mood and the conjuncture, the shutter of the personal eye can view the minutest subject as being the largest and conversely; but can it also mythicalise it and exalt it through its own means of expression onto the prominence of a work of Art? Why not?
Inspiration defies explanation even by the artists themselves. It’s a sacred secret. And fortunately so.
Issue 02, December 2021
Thessaloniki, Greece
Stavros Andreadis
Editorial consultant
George Skabardonis
Contributing Editors
Tassos Retzios
Yannis Kotsifos
Art Director
Thanassis Georgiou
Contributing writers
Angelos Vassos
Thanassis Gogadis
Evi Kallini
Evi Karkiti
Dimitra Kehagia
Chryssa Nanou
Yiorgos Papadimitriou
Tassos Retzios
Stefanos Tsitsopoulos
Kiriaki Tsolaki
Sakis Gioumbasis
Text editing
Anastasia Kyriakidou
Translation in English
Anna Famellos
© Copyright
Property of
Cultural Society of Entrepreneurs of Northern Greece
Frangon 6-8, 54626 Thessaloniki
ISSN 2623-3762